Saturday, October 13, 2012


Vision must be rich with meaning, speaking to the core values of the organization and/or its leadership. Though revenue is a key component to an organization’s growth and success it is not the sole ingredient. Its purpose must be grounded in something greater than its financial wealth to have long term success and sustainability.

Why Is Vision Important?

The ability to communicate a clear picture where the organization is going, what it will be doing, and why it is important gives strength and purpose to the cause. It helps give meaning and reason to those involved and willing to follow. It gives members a platform and foundation from which to add their unique contributions.

“Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.” Joel A. Barker

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Value & Opportunity

Adding value is an essential component to any organization and its members. The organization must seek to add value to its stakeholders such as customers, employees, and its surrounding community. In addition, members should work to add value to their organization, their peers, and those they serve.

What does value mean, what kind of value should added, and at what cost? Too many organizations today strive to be lean demanding more from their members for the same level of compensation. These same organizations site the economy as the reason behind their practices. But what happens once the economy recovers at a stronger more rapid pace and these overworked employees simultaneously decide to  move on to another company? There will be little fat left to heal the wounds and revamp the business.

Current economic conditions presents more of an opportunity to deepen the relationship and strengthen the commitment and buy in of organizational members. Organizational leaders should embrace this and give their members opportunities to innovate and explore new profitable ventures. People have tremendous power to reinvent an organization and find new ways to add value to the world around them if given a genuine opportunity. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


We all know proper planning is critical to success. But why do so many businesses operate with such little planning? Many leaders tend to operate under the “fly by the seat of their pants” mentality. The problem with this process is the impact of the decisions made by business leaders on their employees, the surrounding community, and everything else they are connected with.

 As a business leader are you aware of how connected you are with your surroundings and the true impact of your decisions? Do you take your connection with your surroundings into consideration when planning ahead?

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Necessity of Structure

Rules and boundaries are not very popular but necessary for success. It’s discipline when applied and embraced. It helps keep things in order and progressing along a desired path. Structure can also provide a sense of security and control.

Aristotle said, "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." Striving for excellence requires structure that encourages repeated behaviors. These behaviors allow for the continual development of one's knowledge, skills, and abilities.

How do we achieve excellence? One step at a time.